Maintaining a helps you be competitive with other sites. However, your content could be the best in the world yet go unnoticed if you don’t through headlines, images, video and other vibrant site elements.
We’ve compiled a list of 10 ways to to attract more attention.
1. Show Visibility on Social Media
Place social media links prominently on your home page so readers can quickly and easily connect with you. Through these links, people can navigate your social media presence across multiple sites and interact with you or others within your company.
2. Deliver Punch With a Great Color Scheme
Let vibrant colors convey your company’s passion and power while standing out. While you don’t want to be gaudy or overly busy, targeted areas of color presented in a professional fashion are attractive ways to invite and hold attention.
3. Use Vibrant Visual Content
Use images that are bold in both subject and appearance to draw people in, and pair images with captions to encourage people to read further. Look for images that spark feelings. Post videos, especially imbedded within text.
4. Refresh Images
A dynamic site that refreshes images throughout the day has more to offer visitors. You can manually post new images if your site is one that you update regularly with news and information, or you can set your content management system to use a carousel-type slideshow or use software to automatically cycle photos.
5. Use Readable Fonts
The fonts you choose for your website should be clear, easy to read and of sufficient size. The easier it is for people to read the words on your site, the easier it is for them to stay on your site in both the desktop and mobile version.
6. Utilize Strong Headlines and Subheads
Break up text on your website by using subheads where it makes sense on landing pages and within documents. Headlines and subheads concisely preview what is to come next in the story, simplifying reading for viewers, and happy readers stay longer on your site, helping you compete with others for a piece of the viewership pie.
7. Tell Stories Through Testimonials
If you want visitors to your site to truly understand what your company is all about, let them hear about it from those who know. Testimonials from happy customers and clients can answer the questions of other people without them having to even ask the questions.
8. Optimize Site for Mobile
With growing numbers of users accessing the Internet on mobile devices, it’s more important than ever to optimize your website for mobile. Your site should display properly on a mobile device and ideally should offer a mobile-specific site or mobile app.
9. Give Users an Action to Take
A prominently displayed call to action promoting an ebook, case study or report draws them into your site and could potentially put them on the road to being your customers. Gaining access to these documents opens the door to future downloads and pulling site viewers further down into the marketing funnel.
10. Keep Visitors Up to Date
Keep your online newsroom busy with news releases, announcements and links. Have a few of the most recent of these automatically highlighted on your home page to pull readers deeper within your site. If you don’t have anything specific to announce, put together something authoritative about your industry or curate from or link to an existing article.
Maintaining a helps you keep website visitors coming back and be competitive with other sites. You still need to produce quality content, but your content could be the best in the world yet go unnoticed if you don’t through headlines, images, video and other vibrant site elements.